Job Market Solutions

Focus:  patent pending career tools developed over 20+ years and proven to shorten a job search by 75%.


Fact: 98% of job seekers are eliminated by potential employers.  Job Market Experts help create “top candidates" who overcome the 98% rejection rate.

Impact: Job seekers using "FasTrack Job" solutions cut their average length of unemployment to 4-8 weeks, not the current national average of 27+ weeks.  Job seekers gain 3-5 times more interviews, an equal number of job offers and 30% higher salaries.


  • An online career library with step-by-step guidance to help job seekers build outstanding resumes & cover letters, and hear audio files on interviewing and negotiation techniques.  Each library is tailored to the demographics of the local workforce, so if a community is heavy into construction, we create a library full of construction content, the same for medical or technology or hospitality or tourism, etc.


  • We assess and define employers “best-fit” candidate profiles according to a calibrated and weighted scoring system that define the perfect new employee.  The “best-fit” candidate profiles can be used by schools to align curriculum to meet employer needs and to show graduates how to convey that they possess the proper skill-set to be an immediate contribution to their new employer. 



  • Career training "boot-camps" that teach job-seekers how to prove their value, execute smart job searches and successfully win a new job in 4-8weeks (75% faster than the Dept. of Labor states is average today).



  • Shows job seekers how to navigate the best path to a successful job search. By mapping the right steps, they avoid career stagnation and a fruitless job search. Each map is built for the job seeker so that they empowered to succeed.

Job Market Experts is proud to be a U.S. government certified

Veteran-Owned Small Business