abor Market Analysis


A current Labor Market Analysis is an important component for many vocational evaluations. More than simply interpreting a Department of Labor Job Outlook table, the Vocational Expert considers local labor market conditions, employer expectations within the individual’s commuting area.


A detailed Labor Market Analysis often includes:

  • Names, addresses, and contact information of companies that hire the same occupation as the claimant within the local commuting area.
  • Number of persons employed in this occupation.
  • Recruitment, educational and job experience requirements.
  • Salary and compensation range for entry level and experienced employees in this occupation.


Pressing Questions:

  • Did the opposing counsel overly rely upon Department of Labor tables and wage indexes to determine job availability and wage information?
  • Did the client work in a highly specialized occupation prior to injury?
  • What employers in the local commuting area hire persons with comparable skills and abilities to your client?
  • Does the client meet the minimum qualifications of a particular job with or without additional training?